Wednesday, December 27, 2006

made for India?

yes, I agree that there are a lot of features and preloaded softwares from the indian operators in many cellphone models. like- indian wallpapers, screensavers, preloaded ips of the gprs servers to allow easy connection, etc.

However there are some basic things which are missing-like unicode indian fonts in the sms... or a lack of common format across all operators and phone models.

I own a smart phone since long, allowing me to easily install any useful softwares on it. e.g. I have a dictionary which has a vast collection of words (an encyclopedia).

But the dictionary used for the autocomplete in sms, notes lacks this wide range of words.
There has to be some way to link these two apps, or an app which updates the autocomplete dictionary also. It wont be too much difficult to write an app (esp for symbian). Even some enthusiastic college-going student can also write it. I eagerly await for such app.

Anyways, smartphone has allowed me to manage many of my things by its innumerabale features ranging from the to-do list, reminders, camera, music, memory card to carry data, etc everything integrating into one.

And you know what I did recently? I had rarely travelled to mumbai earlier and needed a good map of the city with me. I got a couple of them from internet (in image format) and stored them in my cell phone. And they are very useful. The zoom in and zoom out on phone allows storing a large image.

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