Friday, November 18, 2005

First Quarter Results

My earlier employer being a heavyweight on the stock market and thanks to its stock option plan offered to the employees, I have invested in some shares and I'm making a 'small' fortune out of this investment. :) Okay, I'm not a share market expert, but I've got some idea about the boom in IT Industry. So far I'm correct.

At the end of each quarter, I follow all the news and analyses about that quarter's results. Revenues reached abc $ and xyz Rs. Profits are so and so. Next quarter's projection is blah blah..One funny thing about is that they send a detailed report on the quarter's results by post to all the shareholders. Its quit elaborate, contains a booklet of over hundred pages with all numbers and graphs which is mostly Greek to me. The cover letter expresses deep gratitude towards all the shareholders for their support to the company & mentions about the enclosed cheque of dividend-which is of more concern to me :) The mood of the cover letter is quite cheerful and celebrating.

Now why I've written a post about this? Recently when a friend and fellow investor like me told me on my 25th birthday that I've completed the 'First Quarter' of 100 years in my life, I laughed a lot, then thought a lot about it. Completing such a quarter is not a big deal, but I've planned to write down a report about this quarter. It will not be published of course. Reader will get bored as I get when I try to go through the quarter's result booklet.

So booklet is not there, but here is the cover letter:
"The way the shareholders provide financial support to the company, you all-my parents, friends and relatives have provided me love and mental support. I thank you a lot for it, and find a cheque of dividend enclosed as a token of my gratitude"

And here is the cheque of dividend:
"I promise to be the shareholder of your life. I'll be there to share the moments in your life when you need me."

Now, some shareholders may ask for a material treat, and their wish will be fulfilled whenever they meet me.

In short, it had been a wonderful and exciting life up til now. I would say that I'm fortunate to have visited so many places, met various people and learnt so much.

Interesting situations and persons-both have taught me a lot. Situations are gone. They cannot be relived. But those persons are there. Every moment spent with them echoed these words in my mind, "Life is beautiful!"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice one Jaydeep

Milind said...

Hey Joydeep (as your name would be pronounced there),
I wasn't knowing which Jaydeep you are when u started commenting. Now as I have a site-tracker on my blog, I found that u r the one from Purdue. :)

Saket said...

Hey Milind,

Brilliant post! :)

Saket (from COEP)